Digital WebMD Write for us
Write for Us – Guest Post, Submit a Guest Post, Contribute, Digital WebMD
Digital WebMD Write for us
At DigitalWebMD, we want to surround ourselves with talents who believe in effort and are constantly trained in the latest web and technological trends. Consequently, we provide the opportunity to “write for us” for people who write content and have breakthrough writing skills. We trust in the power of perseverance and teamwork and we strive every day to give the best to our users.
We invite all freelancers, bloggers and writers to contribute to niches related to web, digital technology, marketing, telecommunications and science.
Before “writing for us”, we ask that you carefully follow our guidelines and ensure that the content meets all guidelines to consider.
To write to us, you can send us an email at
Why “write for us”?
If you write for Digital WebMD, you get:
- If you write for us, your business-oriented client could be a reader of our blog; you can have massive publicity.
- You can link to your website in the article, which shares the SEO value with your site.
- It will help build a relationship with your target readers.
- We are also available on social networks and will share your article on our social networks as well.
Guidelines for Contributors
There are several guidelines a contributor should follow when contributing an article to DigitalWebMD. Below are the guidelines and we ask our staff to follow them.
- The article must contain a minimum of 800+ words and must be unique.
- Content should have captions and proper alignment.
- Image protected by copyright, the size must be 1200 X 800 pixels.
- The article you write must be well researched and also specify the sources.
- Do not submit article that has been published on any other website. Check for plagiarism before submitting the article?
- Do not submit article that promotes your product or service. When writing an essay, make sure it is really informative and not promotional.
How To Submit Your Publications?
When your article meets our guidelines, you can send it to
Essential items to send:
- “Title and body of the article in a Word document”.
Procedure and Conditions
When we receive an article, our quality team will check the content for plagiarism, the tone of the article and various guidelines.
Once the article meets all guidelines, it will be sent to the editorial team.
Our editorial group will check the queue and schedule the article based on the line. When the intended article is published, the link to the article will be forwarded to the quality group.
Our quality team will check your content layout, specialized SEO and link placement. Once everything is set up, the article link will be sent to you.
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For writing to us, you can email us at
We are looking forward to getting your proposals. Thank you!