Definition – Super Fund Lookup

Super Fund Lookup: Super is taken from the word Superannuate, ‘super’ is money put aside by your employee over your working life, and live on when you retire from work. Super important because the more you save, the more money you keep for retirement.

Funds added by employer contribution and another accepted growth vehicle, the fund is a reserve in a superannuation fund. This fund pays out employee pension benefits as participating employees become eligible. An employee is regarded to Superannuate upon reaching the proper age or, as a result, physical or mental weakness. At this time, an employee can  take benefit from the fund

A superannuation fund differs from some other retirement investment mechanisms in that the benefit available to an eligible employee is defined by a set schedule and not by the performance of the investment.

Keys – Super Fund or Superannuate

Australian superannuation funds are more commonly referred to as super funds.

There are two types of superannuation funds; defined-benefit funds and accumulation funds.

1. Accumulation Fund

Super Fund Lookup (3)

Accumulation fund distribution and total value are subject to market fluctuations.

Employees and employers periodically contribute to the fund so that it grows over time. The fund is designed to increase by using the contribution investment strategy to give a return on investment, allowing larger distribution.

2. Benefit Fund

Super Fund Lookup (2)

Benefit fund are not subject to market fluctuations but can be mismanaged and run out of funding. Both types of super fund have specific taxable conditions depending on the contribution and contributor’s circumstances.

Benefits of Superannuation – Super Fund Lookup

Super Fund Lookup (Super Fund Lookup (

Superannuation has many benefits. Some of the notes:

  1. Lower fee structure: Fees tend to run low compared to other retirement account option
  2. Simple feature: Most super only provide what you need and give a choice for any extra service.
  3. Investment choice: Super generally allows you to choose your investment type. Depending on your preference, you can select retail, industry, public, corporate, or self-manage super fund.
  4. They can follow you throughout your career: A super fund can be a “staple” instead of the employer so that it follows you throughout your career. These are called super staple funds.
  5. You can access them early: If you incapacitate permanently, are temporarily unable to work, or have a terminal medical condition, you can access your super early without penalty.
  6. Guaranteed income throughout retirement: Super funds guarantee you won’t run out of retirement funds before death.
  7. Government contributions of up to $500: If you meet specific criteria, the government will contribute a maximum of $500 to your super fund.

Super Fund ABN Lookup Tool User Guide

You can use the search box at the top of every page or the advanced search Super Fund Lookup one record at a time. However, the Super Fund ABN Lookup tool may assist if you have multiple searches.

1. Getting Start

The Super Fund ABN Lookup tool allows you to easily and efficiently do multiple searches on Super Fund Lookup using Australian Business Number (ABN).

Instead of manually entering the ABN every time you should check the detail of the fund, you can enter the ABN of all the funds you deal with into the tool. From that point onward, you can retrieve the latest piece from Super Fund Lookup with the button.

The tool has been developed using the Super Fund Lookup Web Service for the technical mind.

System Requirement:

  • Software

Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher with macros enabled. Please refer to the product documentation to find out how to enable macro for version Excel.

  •  Internet

To use the Super Fund ABN Lookup tool, you must connect to the internet

2. Downloading the Tool – Super Fund Lookup

To download and use the tool, agree to the term and conditions for access to the tools download page.

If you download the tool from the Super Fund Lookup website, you need to save and open it using Excel rather than open it from within the browser. Running the device from within the browser may generate Run Time Error.

3. Macros Security – Super Fund Lookup

The Super Fund ABN Lookup tool contains macros and also the macros must enable the device to work correctly. Please refer to the product documentation to learn how to enable macros for version Excel.

4. Error Connecting to the Internet

To use the Super Fund ABN Lookup tool, you must connect to the internet, and your firewall configured to allow Excel to access the internet.

5. Launching the Super Fund ABN Lookup tool

From the save location, open the tool using Excel.

Macros must be enabled for the tool to work. Depending on the version of Excel and your macro security setting, you may need to enable macros when you first open the device. Please refer to the product documentation for more information enabling macros for your version of Excel.

Description – Super Fund Lookup

  • The ATO publishes information about super funds to assist employer access information required to send contributions using Super Stream.
  • This information includes a unique superannuation identifier (USI) that uniquely identifies the APRA fund and also it superannuation product to which an employee (member) contributes,
  • You can obtain fund USI details from a service provider, the superannuation fund, or via the Super Fund Lookup External link.
  • The USI has replaced the superannuation product identification number (SPIN), which some funds previously used as a product identifier.
  • If you currently make employer contributions to funds using SPIN, also you must obtain the USI SPIN correspondence.
  • Using Fund USI and SPIN lookup table, you can find all USIs corresponding to SPINs.

How to Search Fund USI and SPIN lookup Table

To use Fund USI and SPIN lookup table, you need to know SPIN.

The Fund USI and SPIN lookup table include the following information:

  • fund ABN
  • fund name
  • SPIN (super product identifier number)
  • USI (unique superannuation identifier)
  • Product name
  • Contribution restriction.

Using Fund USI and SPIN lookup table, the employer can also confirm contribution restrictions exist for the product. If product has contribution restriction, you are advise to contact relevant fund before using the information.

Note: Fund USI and SPIN lookup table only contain information on large APRA-regulate funds that previously used SPIN. It also does not include data for the super fund that has not used SPIN; for example, all small APRA-regulate and self-manage super fund that not included in this table.

Version Control – Super Fund Lookup

It expects the data Fund USI and SPIN lookup table (version 1.8 published 23 September 2015) to remain stable and update us when required.


Hence, Superannuation is an employer-sponsor retirement account in Australia. Hence, also it is similar to the U.S. annuities or defined benefit plan. In which the retiree receives a set amount base on a formula that accounts for time employee, average salary, and also amount contributes.

Therefore, it can also be an accumulated fund, where the benefit you receive depends on the amount. You and your employer contribute and market conditions.