
PGI Global (Praetorian Group International) is a crypto MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) platform that promises great commissions for people who invest and attract new users.

PGI Global Trade claims to be a company that wants to educate the world about Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies and provide the means for everyone to apply themselves to experience “financial freedom” and also achieve the dreams of their families and communities. More would be missing.

Therefore this company has gone viral in certain groups that promote it as an excellent opportunity to generate income from home; that’s why we will show you the 3 reasons why PGI Global seems like a scam to us where once new users stop entering, it will collapse and disappear with investors’ money.

Why not Invest in PGI Global?

Why not Invest in PGI Global?

1. Its CEO was Involved in a Ponzi Scheme

Ramil Ventura Palafox and Mark Davis lead PGI Global. If we investigate Ramil Palafox’s past, we can discover that he was the president of Artificial Intelligence Trades, a platform with a premise very similar to that of PGI Global and also that was exposed as a Ponzi scam.

Therefore, if the same people involved in a Ponzi scheme set up a new business model on the previous one, it is not very difficult to deduce that the result will be the same. However, let’s not dwell on the matter: RV Palafox and Mark Davis are con artists by profession.

2. Excessive Earnings in PGI Global

Like any platform based on global MLM, PGI focuses on the need for new users to continue entering. You will need to pay $100 to PGI Global via a bitcoin payment to become a member.

PGI Global affiliate membership is linked to investment in an affiliate package:

  • Sapphire – $ 100 to $ 500
  • Rubi – $ 1000 a $ 10,000
  • Esmeralda – $ 20,000 a $ 100,000
  • Diamond: $500,000 or more.

To maintain your affiliate membership, you must pay an annual fee of $19. At PGI, the daily ROI is 0.5% to 3%. This amount is excessive; no business can remain maintained over time by paying a high percentage per day.

3. Where do PGI global Get the Money?

The company claims to generate its income through trading and selling crypto ATMs. However, there is no proof of this. Therefore it leads us to think that PGI Global is a company that depends on the investment of new members; that is, it meets all the conditions of a pyramid scheme.

It’s multi-level marketing, MLM, scams that exploit the bottom line by promising that they’ll become rich if they work hard enough and also convince their friends to invest. Except that’s not going to happen because the people at the top of the pyramid are always one step ahead, taking your profits.

Where to Trade Bitcoin?

Stormin is an exchange that is revolutionizing the world of cryptocurrencies. And to celebrate the great moment that  Bitcoin is experiencing, it is offering 25 USDT  totally to its new users.

Thanks to a friendly interface, this exchange has become a favorite among traders, which makes trading with leverage very easy, even for the most novice traders—being, in addition, the Official Partner of the Newcastle team of the Premier League.


Every detail about this “company” raises suspicions. The past of its founders is enough proof to firmly state that PGI Global is a SCAM. It is always essential to evaluate the risk of financial decisions; based on the understanding that these can cause economic losses or gains, it is crucial to be very careful with our money to guarantee our families’ financial well-being.