
Suppose you have considered invest in cryptocurrencies but do not know how to do it. In that case, we present a complete guide to learning how to invest safely in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.

Thanks to blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies have become a growing trend. Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency to hit the market, emerged as an alternative to fiat money and is currently the digital currency with the largest market capitalization.

Why Invest in Cryptocurrencies?

The blockchain technology  underlying bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have several characteristics that make it attractive to invest in :

They help increase net worth

Cryptocurrencies are an excellent alternative to protect our money due to the loss of value of most currencies.

More excellent Security Thanks to Blockchain Technology

The technological system used by cryptocurrencies is much safer since it is a fully encrypted procedure. The sender and receiver can only decrypt the information with a code they only have. In addition, it is a type of universal currency, and unless its use has been restricted, we can use it to carry out transactions anywhere in the world.

Positive Background

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to appear in 2008, and since its inception, the first investors to invest in digital currencies have significantly benefited from the increase in their prices over time. Therefore, it shows us that investing in cryptocurrencies is an excellent opportunity to obtain benefits, even in the long term.

Risks of Investing In Bitcoin

The debate has long been raised as to whether cryptocurrencies will be a fad or a bubble that will eventually burst.

The current problem arises because many traditional financial entities do not dare to introduce the Blockchain system within their transactions since they claim that they do not have any support and that any law does not govern them.

In addition, it is a currency with significant volatility; that is, it can make us earn a lot of money quickly or lose it just as fast. Therefore, it does not offer guarantees of benefits, nor do they have official worldwide recognition.

Best cryptocurrency to invest

As we have mentioned, we currently find many cryptocurrencies in which to invest beyond the pioneering Bitcoin. That is why, before starting to review how to invest in bitcoins, we will mention some of the most important questions we should ask ourselves to decide which is the best cryptocurrency for us.

  • How many countries recognize and accept it as a method of exchange?
  • What portability does it have?
  • What level of security do you have?
  • Analyze the positive and negative antecedents

Most Popular Cryptocurrencies to Invest

Most Popular Cryptocurrencies to Invest

Bitcoin (BTC)

This cryptocurrency, which appeared in 2008 at the hands of Satoshi Nakamoto, has positioned itself as a leader in the digital market. It was a pioneer in the cryptocurrency sector.

Ripple (Xrp)

For many, this is the successor to Bitcoin since the same developers created it as Bitcoin to improve its performance. In addition, this is a secure and encrypted system.

Litecoin (Ltc)

Litecoin was created in 2011 by former Google employee Charlie Lee as an alternative to Bitcoin. There are presently about 55 million Litecoin in circulation.

Ethereum (Ether)

It was one of the most profitable cryptocurrencies in 2017. Also, it is the second digital currency in terms of capitalization. Therefore, it is consider a great alternative to Bitcoin.


Cryptocurrencies are digital assets people use as investments and for online purchases. You exchange real currency, like dollars, to buy “coins” or “tokens” of a certain kind of cryptocurrency. Craft a harder-working money plan with a trusted financial pro.