
Digital marketing makes the dissemination and promotion of brands through online channels and tools strategically and consistent with the business plan of the company.

Currently, digital marketing is the main ally that companies, brands or businesses have available to attract and retain their customers, but, above all, to provide and communicate their added value. The added value is that differential that we can offer as a brand, which makes a client choose us instead of someone else.

What is the Importance of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing makes the dissemination and promotion of brands through online channels and tools strategically and consistent with the business plan of the company. A digital marketing strategy necessarily goes hand in hand with the commercial strategy

In recent years, consumption habits have changed substantially. With the development of digital means of communication and transmission of information, consumers have acquired a much more active role in the sales process.

The widespread use of digital media has made digital marketing necessary for businesses and enterprises. Not only to invite consumers but also to develop and reinforce a brand’s identity and build a solid and reliable community.

What is a Digital Marketing Strategies?

Digital Marketing Strategies

The marketing plan is an essential document. Here are gathered the market studies, the set of strategies to be implemented, and the campaigns’ programming in which the various systems will be activated.

This plan serves as a guide for the company. This sense indicates the proposed marketing objectives, such as the means and efforts that must be managed to achieve them. The review of the this marketing plan is as important as its preparation. Therefore, it is essential to carry out frequent monitoring to analyze our objectives and rethink them, if necessary.

In the same way, the appropriate controls must be carried out to analyze the competition and the target audience. As well as highlighting the achievements made and reformulating our plans to respond to new and different needs.

How to Develop a Digital Marketing Plan?

Digital marketing means that startups have to overcome borders, create relationships with new clients and boost their business. The first step to developing an excellent digital marketing plan is knowing and analyzing. The market to be up to date about the opportunities offered by your market niche and the current competition.

Then we are ready to start defining our objectives. But, again, they must be measurable, and their monitoring allows us to know how our actions evolve.

However, these objectives must be applied to a precisely defined target audience. Also, must be determined what will be the most appropriate channels and tools for transmitting information and building an efficient network of interaction and communication.

Main Digital Marketing Strategies


Among the top digital marketing strategies, those that bet on SEO optimization (Search Engine Optimization) stand out. SEO refers to the organic positioning of a company, that is, the favouring of search engines, such as Google. In a little simpler words, SEO strategies are about being present among the first options that Google returns when a user searches for a product or service.


SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategies consist of paid advertising, which also contributes to the positioning of a brand. In this way, a brand appears immediately on organic results and can position its website thanks to search engine ads.

Content Marketing

The generation of valuable content and its transmission through different formats and channels. Such as blogs or social networks, promote SEO positioning and form a solid community. It is, above all, to provide a differential value, which summons the audience in their interests and values.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Each of the digital marketing strategies is activate in the relevant campaigns, seeking, among other aspects. To make good use of the infinite resources and benefits they offer, digital channels, social networks and tools, both for marketing automation and measurement and analysis of its results.

An essential advantage of implementing a digital marketing plan is the possibility of segmentation. Precise segmentation of the public allows a more proper orientation of the campaigns according to the ideal type of client ( Buyer Persona ) and the particular interests of the brand.

Now, the most outstanding advantage of digital marketing is democratization. With the implementation of strategies of this type, the borders disappear, and the potential audience is much greater. Not to mention that the opportunities and conditions for growth are the same, both for large, medium and small companies.

Digital Marketing and Consumer Experience

The optimization of each stage of the conversion process makes for a better and more satisfying shopping experience for the customer. The conversion is not only the moment of purchase of the product or service but, precisely, a process that encompasses numerous actions.

Before beginning a product on the market, we must know and understand our customers. In this line, marketing allows the brand to provide comprehensive support to the user before, during and after the conversion.


Dig-ital marketing is the factor of marketing that uses the Internet and online-based knowledges. Such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital network and platforms to promote products and services.