Assistive Technology Write For Us – Submit and Contribute Post

Assistive Technology Write For Us

Assistive Technology Write For Us – Assistive technology is a technology used by individuals with infirmity in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or unbearable. Assistive technology can include flexible devices such as walkers and wheelchairs, as well as hardware, software, and peripheral device that support people with infirmities in editing computers or other information technologies. Examples include specialized software such as screen increase software for people with low vision, alternative keyboard and input devices, and voice recognition.

Here are some examples of operating a computer

  • people with limited hand function may usekeyboard with large keys or a particular mouse,
  • people who are blind may use software read text on the screen in computer-generate ability to speak,
  • people with low vision use software that increase screen content,
  • people who are deaf may use TTY (text telephone), or
  • people with speech impairment may use a device that speaks out loud as they enter text via keyboard.
  • A tremendous variety of assistive technology available today, allowing nearly everyone to access information technology (IT).
  • However, an individual with appropriate assistive technology is no guarantee of access.
  • IT accessibility is dependent on accessible design. IT products must be designed and also created to allow all user to access them, including those who use assistive technologies.

Types of Assistive Technology (AT)

Assistive Technology Write for us (1)Assistive technology isn’t new. It has been part of the human experience for thousands of years. So, it is believe that eyeglasses were created in Italy between 1268 and also 1289; the first recorded use of a wheelchair dates back to 5th Century China.

Assistive technology solutions may be store-bought to make it easier to glide over carpet; and even custom-made, such as creating a prosthetic hand using a 3D printer. Such as speech recognition software; modify, such as placing tennis balls on a walker

In site, we will use the following ten categories below to group AT solutions. So, it may not surprise you to learn AT may fit into more categories depending upon the person’s need as well as how and where the person uses the AT.

  1. Vision

Products people who are blind or visually reduced, including AT used for daily living activities, editing computers, wayfinding, and also other needs. Examples include:

  • magnifiers,
  • talking devices such as a talking control,
  • large print materials, and also
  • phones with large tangible buttons.
  • Braille displays,
  • screen reading software,
  • text-to-speech systems using Optical Character Recognition (OCR),
  1. Hearing

Product for people who are Deaf or tough hearing, together with AT used in daily living activities, communication, and also other needs. Examples include:

  • personal amplification systems,
  • wireless TV listening systems,
  • vibrating alarm clocks,
  • doorbell with flashing light alert,
  • phone with captioning, and also
  • mobile devices with texting or specialized apps.
  • the portable closed captioning system,
  • face-to-face dual keyboard communication system, and also
  • enlarged telephones.

Check out the resource below and also want to know more or explore a sampling of products.

CAP Housings Program – Deaf/Hard of Hearing Products

  1. Speech Communication

Product for people with speech disabilities who need assistance with speaking, including face-to-face communication.  Examples include:

  • voice extension systems,
  • fluency assistance devices,
  • artificial larynx,
  • communication boards,
  • speech output software,
  • symbol-making software, and also
  • speech-generating devices.

Check out the resource below want to know more or explore a sample of products?

  • CAP Accommodations Program – Communication Products
  1. Learning, Cognition, and Developmental

Product for people who need assistance with learning, attention, memory, and organization. Example include:

  • memory aid,
  • text-to-speech system to support learning (not related to vision needs),
  • reminder systems,
  • notetaking systems,
  • mobile devices with specialized apps, and also
  • audiobooks.

Check out the resource below and also want to know more or explore a sampling of products.

  • CAP Accommodations Program–Cognitive Products
  1. Mobility, Seating, and Positioning

Product for people who need mobility assistance. Example include:

  • wheelchair,
  • walker,
  • cane,
  • crutche,
  • scooter, and also
  • power chair, as well as products designed to provide postural and pressure management.

Check out the resource below and want to know more or explore a sampling of products.

DATI Assistive Technology Fact: Seating, Positioning and Mobility

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Guidelines for Contributors – Assistive Technology Write For Us

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  • The article must contain a minimum of 800+ words and also must be unique.
  • Content should have captions and also proper alignment.
  • Image protected by copyright, the size must be 1200 X 800 pixels.
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