What is an Influencer?

An influencer has enough potential to generate engagement in an audience that follows their accounts on social networks. So, it considered the prescriber of the 21st century, and also it drives conversation and influences the intention to purchase products and services, achieving a powerful emotional bond with a considerable percentage of its audience.

Influencers are part of people’s daily lives, ranging from music or television stars to profiles less known by the general public. Yet, they manage to create a large community of followers thanks to their communication skills.

For years, companies have begun to treat these people with special affection, aware of the power they have over their audience, closing commercial agreements for millions of dollars. In addition, micro-influencers are becoming increasingly important in the marketing strategies of companies. And it is that, despite having a much smaller audience, its influence in niche markets is desirable.

Characteristics of an Influencer

An Influencer

Beyond the product and admiration, their followers feel for them; they have little to do with each other; for example, profiles such as Maria Pombo, Carolina Iglesias, Bertus or Jesus Terres, four measures of success in Spanish language thanks their online presence as content creators.

While Pombo has starred on the covers of exclusive society magazines such as ‘Hola’, Carolina Iglesias sold out the 12,000 seats of the Wizink Center in Madrid in a matter of hours with her podcast show, ‘Stretching the gum’, along with Victoria Martin. The comedian Bertus, for his part, is followed by more than 167,000 people who enjoy his prejudice, and the journalist Jesus Terres is accompanied by more than 67,000 followers who bet on his content and an inspiring newsletter.

But what do they all have in common? Let’s see the main characteristics of an influencer :

1. They Generate Trust

They achieve something thanks to how transmit their knowledge and way of life. If user likes what share and also trusts, you gain a lot of ground. It  achieved, for example, by being honest about products you want and those you don’t, identifying content you are paid to share as advertising, and being critical when you need to be.

2. They Communicate Successfully – An Influencer

They have a natural ability to make themselves understood and also communicate with their community, translating into new followers. As a result, art of it has become an essential value for any brand, simply reflecting on complex issues.

3. They Have Knowledge – An Influencer

They are experts on a particular subject. Whether in healthy recipes, generating comic pieces or opening our eyes  reality about which we learn every day, such as the environment, mental health or unfairness. They inspire people who encourage their audience to learn daily and share their knowledge on different platforms.

4. They Interact with their Community

They do not hesitate to respond the comments of their followers, whom they often listen and ask what they want to talk about. Therefore it also becoming more common for to allow their followers to ask questions they usually answer through Q&A videos (questions and answers) on YouTube or in stories format through Instagram, using a sticker create especially for it.

Types of Influencers

An Influencer (1)


In such a diverse world, it is increasingly possible to differentiate a more significant number of types of influencers, which is a more formal way can distinguish by the audience they accumulate as follows:

  • Nano influencers (between 1K – 10K followers)
  • Micro influencers (10K-100K seguidores)
  • Macro influencers (100K – 1 million followers)
  • Megan influencers (over 1 million followers)

However, the number of followers serves minor and more negligible to identifying the quality of the content generated by an influencer, especially when practice of buying and selling followers have massive in recent times and when we aware that, many times, fame and content quality do not have to go hand in hand. Therefore, we can differentiate influencers base on their content:

1. Gamers – An Influencer

Gamers are video game lovers with very defined and also loyal audience also they are dedicated to posting their videos, showing  latest discoveries on the market. In addition, they teach tricks and techniques with which to advance through the different screens.

2. Athletes and lovers of healthy living

They are the content creators dedicate to promoting a healthy lifestyle, raising awareness with their example about the reputation of a balanced diet and also physical exercise.

3. Bloggers y vloggers

They are those who have previously obtained popularity on their blogs or YouTube channels, so they start with an advantage. They usually create quality content on a specific category and also reaching high interaction rates among their audience, who consider them authorities in their niches.


An influencer is a person who has certain believable on a specific topic, and due to their presence and influence on social networks, they can become an exciting prescriber.